Water Treatment Math – Test Taking Tips

water treatment mathFor many water treatment operators, math is the most intimidating part of the water treatment exam. While there's no magic solution that will instantly make all math problems a breeze, there are some things you can do to better prepare yourself for the math portion of the exam.

  • First, you actually have to practice working the problems before taking the test. Don't be so intimidated by the math that you ignore it while studying everything else. You learn how to solve math problems by DOING them, doing them again, and doing them again. Practice until they become second nature.
  • Once you learn how to work a certain type of problem, don't move on to another type right away. Work several problems of the same type and with varying degrees of difficulty. This is how you retain what you have learned. Again, it's all about repetition.
  • Don't forget, you will have a formula sheet while taking the test. Think of this as a "cheat sheet". Not having to memorize all of the formulas should put your mind at ease. Print the formula sheet and use it when your are practicing.
  • When taking the test, read the question carefully and multiple times. Make sure you understand what the problem is asking. 
  • Eliminate useless information. Some problems will provide you more data than you need to solve the problem. For instance, knowing that the settled water has an NTU of 1.2 has nothing to do with calculating the chlorine dosage.
  • Check your units of measurement. If you forget to convert GPM to MGD you're going to choose the wrong answer, even if you worked the math portion correctly. 
  • Go back over your math problems at the end of the test. A lot of times you will spot something that you didn't see the first time. 
  • Confidence is key when it comes to math. Don't let math intimidate you!
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2 comments on “Water Treatment Math – Test Taking Tips
  1. Being told that all our plumbers need to be certified and I need some training material. Thank You.


    • Jeff says:

      Do they need water treatment certification? If so, our members area offers practice exams, flash cards, study guides, etc. to help prepare for the exam. A one year membership is $49. Just click the Sign Up link at the top to join.

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Glossary of Terms

Air Release Valve - Valve used to release air trapped in water pipelines to prevent excessively high pressure.

Quick Facts

Air Vent - A screened opening on the top of a gravity tank that lets the tank "breathe" as the tank is filled and emptied.