5 Question Sample Test

Sample Quiz from the Member's Area

This is a sample taken from the full water treatment practice exam available to members. Once a member, you can choose to rake a 25, 50, or 100 question practice exam based on the amount of time you have available. The database contains hundreds of questions, which are displayed randomly during each practice exam. This ensures that no two tests will be the same and better prepares you to take and pass the actual certification exam.


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  • 01-27-15
    NEW Added 100 question practice test which shows answers immediately, instead of at the end.
  • 11-10-14
    Complete redesign of website to match our Water Distribution Certification website. Also, working on new content to be added soon.

Glossary of Terms

Artesian - Water held under pressure in porous rock or soil confined by impermeable geologic formations. Also, see confined aquifer.

Quick Facts

Artesian Well - Water held under pressure in porous rock or soil confined by impermeable geologic formations; a free flowing well.